Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Reasonable Thought!

I'm still trying to hack this one out; however, if a supreme being creates a construct such as time and space, and then maintains these constructs, then doesn't it just fall into reason that the being is not constrained by the same construct created?
                I write this addressing some questions that often come up about the believability of the omniscience and omnipresence and other attributes of God that seem to hard for us to fully comprehend.  But if God created time, then He is not constrained by time because He exists outside of time.  He conveys this through His word and I don't think  we understand it correctly.  God created time. He lives and exists outside of it.  He entered into it to let us know Him better and more intimate through the person of Jesus Christ, His Son.

              Just a thought, I agree with some Christian Theologians that say that existence is a part of God, that is in His nature to be eternal, that existing is part of His being.  And that we all draw or are given our existence from Him.  I only write this to illustrate the logical viability of a few of the characteristics of God.  We serve a logical creator.  I believe our belief in our Creator God, is purely logical.  At times even empirical, if we choose not to be so biased and pampas as to reject our natural state as evidence or moral ethics as reason. And to this I refer to Romans 1-3.  I mean sincerely how arrogant is it to reject evidence given.  How narcisisitically  atrocious is it to find yourself in the middle of all that exist and existed prior to our arrival and then dismiss it as coincidence and reject the given proof of a Creator and construct a different theories about one's origin.   I believe this among many others to be eternally damnable.  It is the fist that the empiricist shake at Almighty God.  They do not fear, and they do not know Him,because they have rejected clear proof and evident reason and have drowned the truth in unrighteousness. God save them, for so were we before Christ saved us.

New Blog, familiar post.

           Recently, I woke to ponder the title of my blog site, which led me to this name change and a narrowing or more detailed explanation of the thoughts and opinions represented here.  I have posted a blog from my first site, which I feel states more of the central focus and intention of the blog.

              Please feel free to respond or comment on any posting.  I simply ask that you refrain from all uses of profanity or coarse language.  Thank you. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments.

"God in the dock" C.S.Lewis

I recently came across a quote from CS Lewis from God in the Dock, which I think helps those when dealing with opposition to the Christian worldview, especially coming from obscure places or philosophies.  I can not take credit for this discovery, it was brought to my attention from a podcast I am subscribed to of Greg Koukl's Stand to Reason.  I think however, it makes a good point.

 C.S. Lewis stated in his book, God in the Dock, “You must show that a man is wrong before you start explaining why he is wrong. “ (C.S.Lewis)  

      You will find in college or through your encounter with the internet that many young adults are exposed to movies such as "Zeitgeist," that there are many opponents to the Christian religion, claiming among them that even the historical account of our savior Jesus Christ life was stolen from ancient egyptian belief or greek thought, this dates back to the myths of Horus and even Mithra.  And one can spend tons of time researching each claim and debunking them, feeling as though it's our responsibility because they introduced the idea, we must vet these claims on our own.  But here Lewis gives us a clever response.  

   It is not our responsibility to explain away every little coincidence, if there are any, Jesus was a real person, who performed miracles and was resurrected from the dead. These are historical facts and most atheist don't discredit this. So in redneck laymen's terms when someone presents one of these new ideas simply say "so," prove to me He never existed first then we can discuss the similarities.

Again, I am no apologetics savant, just came across this and thought it might be helpful.

Soli Deo Gloria,