Wednesday, December 14, 2011

"The Church"

I have been wrestling with some problems in a local church that are near to my heart.  It is a confession of mine that I have always been bothered by what I have experienced in some local congregations.  So today The Lord led me to the second chapter of Acts, more to the point verse forty-two, "And they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and fellowship to the breaking of bread and the prayers."  The Holy Scripture continues to speak on how everything they held they held in common as to meet the needs of all.  It speaks of attendance and of breaking bread in each others homes with generous hearts.  Praising God and having favor with all the people, and because of all this God was/did generously add to their numbers daily.

                 I write this because I don't see this in alot of local congregations, this church in the text of Acts, it excites me.  It compels me to drive no matter the distance.  The first place the scripture parked, the first emphasis in the text was being devoted to scripture.  It is here if we miss this one, the boat sails and the Spirit moves on.  I get annoyed at anecdotes and inspirational stories, even if they are motivating and emotionally stirring they cannot compare to scripture. "MY WORD shall not return void to me," not your cute little story or sad event, MY WORD says the LORD. (Isaiah 55:11)  "Your WORD stands eternal in the heavens" (Psalms 119:89)  "Is not my WORD like fire, like a hammer that breaks the rocks into pieces" (Jeremiah 23:29)  Your stories your anecdotes they don't break down walls, move mountains, they don't consume the hearts of the lost and ignite the hearts of the brethren, only THE WORD OF GOD, does those things.

          So pastor I implore you, please, however clever or charming you may be, your words are like dust, you are a vapor, even the Bible says preaching is foolishness, why because you are only declaring the words of another, none of your own.  (1Corinthians 1:21) This text also means because it's simple pastor, no funny jokes, no clever guises, no parlor tricks, it's simple take the text and preach the WORD, not your word, but THE WORD.  So Pastor, give up the repetitive choruses that drone us into unconsciousness hoping to emote some response, Start with Scripture, then when we worship in song we shall know why and who we serve, not because we like the musician or band but because GOD is mighty to save, and HE alone is worthy of our praise, and Holy, Holy, Holy is HE who reigns forever.  Teach us to know Him, take us to the Cross, instruct us in His wisdom, take us to the Throne room of Heaven, in the Scripture!  It's the WORD of God that changes hearts, IT's the WORD  of GOD that grows FAITH.  IT's the WORD OF GOD, The Word of GOD.

            I'll wrap up with a softer toned plea, don't steer away from the hard passages, don't veer from the hard questions, we need answers, we will face a foe that will not be merciful but seeks to Kill US, equip us dear pastor with the armor of GOD, point us to the answer of life's most difficult questions in the scripture, If you don't then the devil will, he will offer many reasons and difficulties to challenge us TODAY!

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